



About Community Ambassadors

Ambassadors for a community are those who serve as advocates and representatives for that community. By fostering cooperation and communication, advancing the interests of the community, and assisting in conflict resolution, they act as a link between the community and organizations.They aim to create connections, encourage collaborations, and make sure that the community’s needs and viewpoints are taken into account during decision-making.

Community ambassadors are vital for supporting and empowering their communities from inside, in addition to these outward-facing duties. They might mentor young people, offer assistance and support to neighborhood organizations, and seek to increase the capacity and resilience of the community.

Community ambassadors are essential to the success of communities because they act as the voice and face of the community, promote its goals and needs, and create alliances and partnerships with outside groups. Community ambassadors contribute to positive change and the promotion of a better future for their communities via their commitment and diligence.

During the project, the ambassadors had shown their interest to help the community by participating in events that were organized by the CDC-NEYPVAL team. Not only that, they also participated in webinars to spread information on vaccinations.

We are very proud of our Community Ambassadors and we hope that they will be interested to be the part of similar projects in the future.










About Advisory Board Meeting

The NEYPVAL Year II team was in need of advisors from our community with the expertise from their respective field. We were able to connect with 5 expert advisors from the Nepali Community who would be able to guide our team on the right path to top; covering most of the areas in Washington State. 

During our first meeting, the advisory members gave us various ideas on how we can cope with the current situation of triple burden disease: RSV, COVID, and FLU. The virus was common among children but we could not move forward as there was restriction from CDCF to cover only from the age group of 18 and above. 

 Link to First Advisory Board Meeting: Advisory Board Meeting

Our team is very fortunate to have them in our team. They have truly shown their dedication and determination to help the community. Not only that, they have motivated us and made our project seems effortless. Without their support, we could not have gone that extra mile.

Once again a massive thankyou to all the advisory board members.

Namaste, I work as a Hindu Priest. I’m also a yoga teacher. I’m also a provider for an Adult Family home which is related to healthcare.

I’m in touch with every community and everyone in the board. After I joined this project, I was able to interact with others and I was able to able to share health information with others which I’m really proud of. 



Jagadamba Adhikaree is a Senior Medical Social Worker at University Of Washington Medical Center. She received her Masters of Social Work degree from University of Washington. Her expertise are in community resources such as healthcare related services, insurance,  low income housing, Medicare and Medicaid benefits, and other government assistance programs. She advocates for patients, elderly and other vulnerable population. 

Jagadmba is interested in contributing to the community with her expertise and the NEYPVAL project provided this opportunity. This partnership has been inspiring and worthwhile because there are many new immigrants and elderly people of Nepalese origin who truly needed help and would benefit from this program.  Any opportunity to contribute to improve  the health and wellbeing of the community is inspiring moment for Jagadmba and she would participate in the future to help whenever there is a need.

I am a pharmacist with an MBA, currently pursuing MPH in Global Health at the University of Washington, Seattle. I am the co-founder and director at Samartha Nepal, a profit-not-sharing Company working towards equity in the health and education sectors in Nepal. 

I am passionate about the development and implementation of community-oriented health interventions. I have previously worked with different organizations – public, private, and development – to create people-centered healthcare service delivery programs in different parts of Nepal. At present, I am working with the UW Harborview Medical Center and I-TECH on qualitative research to bridge inequities in healthcare access. I hope to bring my knowledge and expertise in the field of Public Health to serve the Nepali community in greater Seattle and address their pressing health needs.
I shall contribute to the best of my ability to create an impact in the community



Ruby Shrestha works as Vice President of Scientific Affairs in a premium chocolate company in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States.  She earned her engineering degree from Rajasthan, India under Colombo Plan and MBA from the University of Washington in Seattle under Fulbright Program. 

She is very passionate about building community and has been involved in the activities of Nepali community of the Greater Seattle area for over two decades, even before the inception of Nepal Seattle Society.  She has been a community activist, volunteer, mentor, advisor, and a consultant in various professional as well as in non-profit organizations and possesses a deep understanding of civic engagement for community benefit.  She wants to bring the knowledge and expertise to this project and give back to the community.

An avid reader, an occasional poetry writer, a runner, a nature enthusiast, and a passionate yoga practitioner, she says giving back to the community fulfills her.

I am a Registered Nurse currently working at EvergreenHealth in Kirkland. I have always wanted to help the Nepali Community in one way or the other. I am very happy to be working in this project and contributing to the society.

I have worked at the COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic organized by King County in partnership with EvergreenHealth during Covid-19 pandemic and I would like to help NEYPVAL with my knowledge transfer where applicable.

This is my first time with the NEYPVAL project, and I hope to join this project in the future as well. 




I have been involved with the social organizations over a decade. Primarily, I am trying to build a bridge between available resources and the immigrant community in Greater Seattle Area.

Professionally, I work for Multicare Health System as a technical specialist where I oversee the functions of medical scientists. I am also pursuing MBA from Washington State University.

My goal for joining the advisory team of NEYPVAL is to help the team to connect members of the Nepali speaking community to the available resources related to healthcare.




NEYPVAL team at Dashain Cup 2022

📆10/29/2022, Saturday


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Collaboration with Newah Organization of America for promoting vaccination

📆10/26/2022, Wednesday


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📆11/05/2022, Saturday


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