
Nepal Rising has been actively involved in mitigating critical issues in Nepal. Recently, with the rampant rise of COVID-19 cases and lack for healthcare infrastructure, Nepal Rising has started a fundraiser to immediately provide much needed relief. You can visit their fundraiser page and read more about their current efforts.

Help us provide 400 critically ill patients with life-saving oxygen in Nepal

The second wave of COVID-19 virus has struck Nepal with deadly force. Every day, more than 7,000 new cases are reported and the death toll is growing. With less than 1,500 ICU beds and 600 ventilators currently available to service a population of nearly 30 million people, the health system is already overwhelmed. Hospitals are already turning patients away due to a lack of bed space and oxygen. The government estimates that an additional 48,000 cylinders are needed to meet the current demand. 

Local community-driven isolation centers are providing a critical link in the frayed health-care system in Nepal. Covid patients needing oxygen are kept under supervision of a doctor until a hospital bed is available, buying precious time for patients battling Covid.

Nepal Rising is working with CoVID Alliance for Nepal, non-profit CREASION and other grassroots partners on the ground to support community isolation centers and hospitals requiring oxygen concentrators and cylinders.

We have only 2 weeks to get 100 life-saving oxygen cylinders to critical Covid patients in Nepal

You can help us obtain critical oxygen and save lives.

From Nepal Rising Fundraiser Page

Please visit their fund-raiser page to get more information and if you have the resource, please help by donating to the cause.

Rajesh Shrestha, an active member of Nepal Rising , Seattle is also a member of Nepali Community Health Board.